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Tours to mourn, to remember, and to learn about history

Mauthausen was the main concentration camp in Austria with 49 sub-camps.
Now it is a site to remember the many victims, and to revere the women and men that refused to remain silent observers.
It is also a place to recognize and appreciate the bravery and sacrifice of the allied soldiers and their families to help liberating Europe from Nazi dictatorship.

For private tours individual transfer can be provided.

Program for different languages can be booked.
All prices are including Austrian VAT.



Mauthausen Memorial Center

Guided tour at Mauthausen memorial of the former concentration camp, including basic information on the role of Linz city during the Nazi period.

Private taxi cab / limousine or comfortable tour bus can be arranged.

Duration: app. 4 hours                                               starting at EUR 180.-- / per group


Mauthausen Memorial with Gusen and Ebensee

In Gusen, Ebensee and Melk were the biggest sub camps with tens of thousands of victims.

Private taxi cab or limousine transfer or a comfortable tour bus can be arranged.

Duration: app. 8 hours                                              


Mauthausen memorial with Gusen and Berchtesgarden (Eagle's Nest)

Duration: app. 12 hours                                              


The Network of Nazi Terror

Sites related with the Nazi periode in Linz, with visits to Mauthausen memorial, and Hartheim Memorial

Duration: app. 6 Stunden